Anonymous ID: 51a7d7 Aug. 7, 2022, 3:15 a.m. No.17121700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3176











>Petition has the power of signature. Referendums - power of vote.

>You tell me if you shoud. If referendums are legal in the US this could change politics as we know it. Thats why many countries hate them and call them "mob rule", when in fact it is most democratic process available. For example, any State localy could throw a referendum to unsit a corrupt Senator/S.o.S. or any other politician, pass or abolish laws.


This is how it works in California.

>"the people of California may directly add, repeal, or amend provision of the California Constitution or statutes," through ballot propositions. The ballot propositions "are prosed either by the Legislature or by citizens."

>"Propositions directly from the people are proposed by petitions circulated for the [required] number of voter signatures. Propositions from the Legislature are adopted like other legislative measures." Propositions "propose either bond measures, constitutional amendments, or statutes that change existing statutes previously approved by initiative." Referenda are "propositions that allow the people to approve or reject legislative enactments." Initiatives are "propositions that propose legislative or constitutional changes."


I don't believe there is a federal statute that functions in a similar fashion and I don't know which other states (if any) have similarly rules.