Anonymous ID: 5ecb14 Aug. 7, 2022, 4:20 a.m. No.17124234   🗄️.is 🔗kun











Image upoad barrier on Tor may explain why last night's posts were coming through two connections, not just Tor.



Hopiumfully because a tangible confirmation with (real) Potus is coming but comms had to be set up.



If you are referring to the name anons, the salt discussion, trip code hackability, the langauge/format of the posts, time stamp and drop correlations, the 17s associated with the rally speech location, etc. They could have just come here and read the notables. (Imo we work better together in real time.)


Otherwise hello, newfag, and welcome - Hover the cursor over the red numbers to see it, and click on the numbers to navigate to the specific post.