Anonymous ID: f67c32 Aug. 7, 2022, 4:20 a.m. No.17124383   🗄️.is 🔗kun










>it may not be Q

BV Triple-A here.

I can confirm.

Tripcode posting stopped working for me shortly before Q / "Q" posted.

I checked what's going on. I verified using a browser.

I have been using the super secure trip since the start, but when I try it now it fails and is blocked on here.


Makes sense? No. BO didn't change anything and when I post the very same secret on /test/, I now get a DIFFERENT tripcode out of it, which is why posting using trip fails on here as well as on /qrb/.


This means the tripcode algo or salt must have been changed, there is no other way, otherwise it would still work and I would get the same trip, which has been Notables!!QVF6T.FX0A.