Anonymous ID: c1692f Aug. 7, 2022, 4:18 a.m. No.17123850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4189









Uvalde mom handcuffed by 'coward' cops for trying to rush inside school and save her kids claims police threatened her with a probation violation for obstruction of justice if she spoke to media


Angeli Rose Gomez, who was handcuffed trying to rescue her kids at the Uvalde school shooting, said police are threatening her to keep her quiet

Gomez has been critical of the local police's late response in getting into the Robb Elementary school to stop the rampage that left 21 dead

She said she got a call from law enforcement saying she could face a probation violation for obstruction of justice if she keeps talking with the media

The heroic mom said the judge overseeing her probation told her she would be save and encouraged her to share her story

It comes as Uvalde chief Pete Arredondo faces criticism for instructing police to stand back when he incorrectly believed the shooter was barricaded alone


A mom who was handcuffed by cops for trying to save her children during the Texas school shooting has blasted police for threatening her for talking to the media.


Angeli Rose Gomez slammed officers for warning her with a probation violation for obstruction of justice over her interviews with journalists.


She said she was called by an officer who said she would be hit with legal trouble over a charge against her from over a decade ago.


But she insisted she would not be cowed and would continue sharing her story after the judge ruling over her previous case said she would be fine.


Gomez was arrested by bungling cops outside Robb Elementary School in Uvalde after she tried to rush in to save her two children while they cowered outside.


She has slammed the police's response to the tragedy - which saw 19 students and two teachers slaughtered - and praised parents who tried to enter the school.


Uvalde School District Police Chief Pete Arredondo faces a furious backlash for not sending in a team fast enough to end 18-year-old Salvador Ramos' vile rampage.