Anonymous ID: 152375 Aug. 7, 2022, 4:51 a.m. No.17125189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5606 >>6171









I don't dream much but last night I dreamed a short dream about Trump. I think when he used the word 'tranquillizer' he was meaning 'chill pill'. Anyway…here is what I dreamed.


We were had a party. Not one of his fancy was but a regular one at someone's large older home. He was smiling so went up to talk to him.


Some things happened I don't remember but I do remember we had a medium color blue blanket over our heads to talk so no one else could hear. He told me people should take tranquillizer and stay calm. Have some fun.


Then it jumped to us standing at the side board where drinks and shots were placed out. I flicked some water at Trump. He grinned, grabbed a shot glass full of water and tossed the water at me.


I grabbed a shot glass of water too and threw it back. He laughed and threw water back at me again


I then walked to the middle of the room and said.


"Ladies and Gentlemen. The President of the United States."


That was it.