Anonymous ID: 03011c Aug. 7, 2022, 4:55 a.m. No.17126204   🗄️.is 🔗kun










A parliamentary question from the ambitious FPÖ MP Mag. Gerald Hauser (ER: pictured above-left) has put the Green Minister of Health Johannes Rauch (right) under considerable pressure. But the impact on the hard ground of reality will hit that part of the medical profession in particular who naively believed the evidence-less assurances from the ministry that the corona preparations were safe.

In the ten-page answer to the questions about liability for the Covid injections, it has become clear: Rauch apparently gets scared and brushes himself off at the vaccinators. They would have to fulfill their obligation to provide information. Otherwise, repeated disregard could result in horrendous penalties of up to 14,000 euros.


As early as July of last year, Wochenblick reported that the vaccination doctor could very likely be held responsible in the event of vaccination damage. This is when the patient has not been sufficiently informed in advance about the possible negative consequences of the injection, such as the many well-known and serious side effects. Because, as Hauser repeatedly emphasized: “Vaccination is the problem, not the disease!” And now the corona jab could become a problem for many vaccination doctors. The tireless FPÖ MP Mag. Gerald Hauser, who has repeatedly presented the government with its many sophisticated inquiries, emphasized to Wochenblick : “Without my incredible team, this enormously high number of hits would not have been possible. Just the many hours of research that are necessary to prepare a well-founded inquiry; I would never be able to do that on my own,” says the man from Freedom, emphasizing the importance of his team.


Rauch shifts responsibility to doctors

Because that is exactly what the Minister of Health’s answer to the parliamentary question confirms. He seems to be trying to pull his own head out of the ever-tightening noose and to want to shirk responsibility. Although he has prescribed the “vaccinations”, liability is shifted entirely to the medical profession.


Doctors have to clarify – otherwise there are disciplinary and liability consequences

Doctors would have to provide sufficient information about the benefits and risks of the treatment in advance so that the person concerned can make an informed and free decision. The consequences for doctors are also mentioned in the answer: “The function of the information is to protect the freedom of decision of the person concerned” of medical professional duties. This can be punished under administrative and/or disciplinary law as well as have consequences under liability law.”


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