Anonymous ID: 445b23 Aug. 7, 2022, 4:52 a.m. No.17125520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5761 >>6556









All the vax manufacturers are guaranteed by your goverment for any damages due to guilty verdicts by vaccine side effects


This is the case in every country that bought vaccines


This is why as soon as your country admits that the vaccines are harmful you are going to see the biggest class action lawsuit in the world


But it will be paid out by your broke government and not by BigPharma and will have to borrow the money from the Central Banks to pay all those lawsuits thus tightening their grip even more


Or go bankrupt (no country that amount of money that will be have to be payed out )


Its not that they tought they could keep the adverse effects hidden

its that they didnt care because our countries will pay for the damages