but… but… the dude from Tool did a song about them (as Puccifer). If some sort of artist gives them legitimacy then it must be real right?
but… but… the dude from Tool did a song about them (as Puccifer). If some sort of artist gives them legitimacy then it must be real right?
The salt coming from the liberal gulag is hilarious but sad at the same time.
There are tens of millions of people who can't even see that this a good thing. Instead they're ignoring all the evidence and secretly hoping that Trump is enacting some sort of Russian plot to foment more chaos in the world. We need to find a cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome quickly.
Thanks for your shit-tier economic and geopolitical analysis. I'm sure if the world's largest economy collapsed into oblivion the world would be a better place.
It would be a great thing if America fell and there was no Country left to check the technocratic Chinese Surveillance state from dominating the entire world.
Thanks man.