Anonymous ID: e45e29 Aug. 7, 2022, 5:39 a.m. No.17130358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0515









The same corrupt Obama judge who lawlessly nullified the November 2021 Gulf of Mexico lease sale, blocked lease sales in Wyoming, may have signed fraudulent FISA warrants in the Russia collusion hoax and attempted to unlawfully persecute General Michael Flynn, has now brokered a deal between the rabidly anti-American Biden Interior Department and an Enviromarxist terrorist organization to potentially retroactively cancel over 2,000 oil & gas leases in Wyoming… All because climate change.

Biden review jeopardizes more than 2,000 oil and gas leases

By Nicole Pollack Casper Star-Tribune Via Wyoming News Exchange Jun 4, 2022

CASPER — The Biden administration will redo the environmental review of more than 2,000 Wyoming oil and gas leases sold between 2015 and 2020 — including virtually all of the leases issued under former president Donald Trump — in accordance with a trio of settlement agreements approved Wednesday by a federal judge.

None of the leases have been vacated, but their future is uncertain. The Department of the Interior now has to reevaluate and retroactively justify more than two dozen lease sales. If it decides it can’t, or its reasoning doesn’t satisfy the court, the sales could be reversed and any existing permits revoked.

Jeremy Nichols, climate and energy program director for plaintiff WildEarth Guardians, said the decision was unprecedented.

“This is getting to the heart of the federal oil and gas program,” Nichols said. “The question here will be not whether it’s OK to lease in the Red Desert or the Powder River Basin, but whether the federal oil and gas program even makes sense in the midst of the climate crisis.”


“Backroom court settlements like this, negotiated by the Biden Administration and its anti-domestic oil and gas allies, will continue to decide the fate of Wyoming’s primary economic driver until Congress reasserts its control and establishes a coherent national energy policy,” Ryan McConnaughey, communications director for the Petroleum Association of Wyoming, said in an emailed statement.


U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras ordered the department in 2019 to reassess some of the Wyoming leases. A year and a half later, he declared the agency’s second attempt inadequate.


In the cases before Contreras, the environmental groups argued, successfully, that the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires the department to assess the “direct, indirect and cumulative effects” that new leasing would have on the environment and the climate. But the oil and gas industry thinks that’s an inaccurate interpretation of the landmark 1970 legislation, which doesn’t mention climate change.


“Some groups will not be satisfied until NEPA is twisted into a law unrecognizable to its drafters, used to halt all mineral resource production in Wyoming,” McConnaughey said.


This is perhaps the most egregious case of “sue and settle” in the history of Enviromarxist lawfare against the US economy. Enviromarxist terrorist organizations sue regulatory agencies, who, when under Democrat control, quickly settle the lawsuits acceding to Envriomarxist demands that often bear no resemblance to the statutory authorities of the regulatory agencies.

Ponder this for a moment…

“This is getting to the heart of the federal oil and gas program,” Nichols said. “The question here will be not whether it’s OK to lease in the Red Desert or the Powder River Basin, but whether the federal oil and gas program even makes sense in the midst of the climate crisis.”

There is no “climate crisis”… While, there might be a potential long-term climate change problem, this is an actual crisis, a “real and present danger” to these United States of America