Anonymous ID: a72090 Aug. 7, 2022, 5:15 a.m. No.17126752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7009 >>8197 >>8984 >>9473 >>0384









OK so from the oustide is does look a lot like babyfist et al have brute forced Q's trip via salt rotation until they got the same trip with a different password. Then they deleted the turd in the bed on dcomms like they have been begging for all along.


all these OMG im q but i cant log in anymore because password changed are to add to their current larp.


watch the video with Jim where babyfist confesses at Jim's behest. tell me it's not the same MO: "anons wouldn't terror for us so's we were forceded to so exhort them"


Q and Q+ and Q group are here 24/7, as are anons.

discernment is better than any trip code

all that said, and I have never directly addressed Q that I can recall, and not like he knows, and probably their palantir cum quantum computer variant predicted babyfist's every move, trust babyfist to be babyfist himself, right? so like dude, use a three bang tripcode next time so they can't brute force it.


fuck the "new old" dough too, it's gerbil's efforts in parallel with babyfist.


dan scavino, you rock, you rule, Scavino for Speaker or VP or wherever he can have the greatest effect.