Anonymous ID: 9fb24f Aug. 7, 2022, 5:45 a.m. No.17131134   🗄️.is 🔗kun










Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM)


The Order of the Knights of Malta is an exclusive, centuries-old Roman Catholic fellowship. In 2017 Francis completed a virtual takeover of the Order when he forced the resignation of the order's grand master, Matthew Festingletter, a 67-year-old Briton. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, which defended pilgrims to the Holy Land during the Crusades, is an order of chivalry. And a singular one. Like countries, the Order has sovereignty (its knights having previously ruled Malta). Yet it no longer has territory beyond its headquarters on the fashionable Via Condotti in Rome. From there it dispatches ambassadors and issues stamps, coins and even its own licence plates. The only similar, sovereign entity with little or no territory is the Holy See. So Francis’s putsch is akin to the annexation of one state by another.


Flash back 450 years … in 1565 The Ottoman Empire, the greatest world power of the day, was on the move. Its plan was to conquer Europe. The only remaining obstacle in its path was the little Mediterranean island fortress of the Knights — Malta.


From the shores of the Golden Horn, Suleiman the Magnificent, Emperor of the Ottomans, sent the greatest armada since antiquity to wipe out Islam’s most implacable foe, the Knights of Malta. To the Turks the Knights were known as “The Hounds of Hell”. The Knights called themselves “The Religion”. Under the order’s famous leader, Jean Parisot de La Valette, a French nobleman and 49th Grand Master of the order, the knights defeated the Ottoman Empire at Malta in one of history’s famous battles.


The great sultan attacked with an armada carrying 48,000 troops. La Valette had only 500 knights and 3000 Maltese militia plus 2600 Italian and Spanish reinforcements, totaling 6100. La Valette was 71 years old when the Ottoman Empire attacked his sovereign island fortress of Malta. Hopelessly outnumbered nearly eight to one, he withstood one of history’s greatest sieges.


After allowing passage of Obamacare… US Chief Justice heading to Malta. He joked that following the ruling, taking a trip to the “impregnable island fortress” was a “good idea”.