"LeT'S SoLvE tHe pRoBLem oF pRiCeS rIsInG tOo fAsT bY iNcrEaSiNg tHe nUmBer oF dOLLaRs iN cIrCuLaTiOn aNd nOt iNvEsT iN OiL pRoDuCtiOn to iNcReAsE sUpPLy bEcAuSe ThAt wOuLd lOweR pRiCes"
Biden's economics
"LeT'S SoLvE tHe pRoBLem oF pRiCeS rIsInG tOo fAsT bY iNcrEaSiNg tHe nUmBer oF dOLLaRs iN cIrCuLaTiOn aNd nOt iNvEsT iN OiL pRoDuCtiOn to iNcReAsE sUpPLy bEcAuSe ThAt wOuLd lOweR pRiCes"
Biden's economics