Anonymous ID: 2e63fc Aug. 7, 2022, 5:38 a.m. No.17130215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0812 >>1438 >>2132










The money system is satanic.

You go into debt. You NEED to fuck over other people to pay back including interest.

It's as simple as that, because the interest doesn't exist. Some other poor schmuck has to get it and give it to you.


See doctors:

  • get paid top dollar for vaccinations

  • not get paid for reporting vaxx injuries

  • even get into trouble when going against vaccines


So the HONEST doctors either are way worse off, or even lose their jobs, meanwhile the satanic doctors that go along, don't question anything, get top dollars and can afford their next boat or house.


Literally satanic system.

Of course you are not really forced to participate.


And in fact the Amish in their wisdom are doing exactly what you have to do to fully defeat such a system. They do it legally, even pay a small amount of taxes, but that's it. And they keep themselves out of the tech network, which is also smart, which is quite ironic.