Anonymous ID: 92925e Aug. 7, 2022, 5:40 a.m. No.17130415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1775 >>1797 >>2022











thing is

people have been doing the research a long time

Alex Jones wasn't the only one red pilling people

and it isn't all consiracy theories


anyone watching the twin towers fall

watching building 7 fall

and then got ass kicked into seeing the facts of it

knew we were in danger as a country


the research being done is getting put together

and the picture is emerging

and we are going to shake things up a bit


my best card is believing

that not as many people really like being criminals

as the geniuses who do these things think


I wonder even about Obama

two horrible things happened during his terms

the nuclear disaster in Japan

and Gulf Oil explosion


these people are inhuman monsters

and so anything is possible

Sociopaths genuinely cannot FEEL human feelings

they are numb


my guess is that they all still like

to be admired by important people

and really can't see just how ugly they themselves

really are