>But what does that meeeeeeeaaaan? Help a tard out.
you have a password
8kun has what is called "salt"
salt scrambles your password into a cryptographically unique code, called a tripcode
salt will always scramble a password the same way
until it is rotated
when the salt is rotated
it scrambles differently
everyone uses their same password
but gets a NEW unique tripcode as an output from the salt
the salt on 8kun got rotated BEFORE the new Q drops
the NEW Q drops use the OLD tripcode that comes from the OLD salt
because the salt has been rotated
Q's tripcode should now be DIFFERENT
you will notice that Q's tripcode has changed more than a few times over the course of the drops
a few of those changed have been for exactly this reason
chan site salt rotation
every single time that happens
Q gets a new tripcode
andRE_CONFIRMStheir posting identity using delta's with DJT social media (Dan Scavino)
the new "Q" posts today were faked
see: >>17131377