You don't get it yet?
I'll explain…
The serpent BEGUILED Eve… (He fucked her).
Eve, then turned around and BEGUILED Adam… (She fucked him)
Eve then became pregnant with two sons… Cain and Abel. One, being the seed of Adam (who was allegedly created by God). And the other being the seed of LEVIATHAN, otherwise known as the devil, Satan, Set, Saturn, El, Kronos, Moloch, Baal, whatever you want to call the faggot.
Cain's dependents are basically the KHAZARIAN imposers, degenerates, who pretend to be Jews, Jewish-Nazis, Catholics, Muslims (Think 'Don-Meh Jews, like Awaleed Bin Talal and the Saudi Royal Family), and moar… Basically, a bunch of swindling, murderous, fags, and pedos. No morality, whatsoever. In fact, many seek to INVERT the morality of Christianity, for their sadistic pleasure.
Now you know…