Anonymous ID: 9340e3 Aug. 7, 2022, 6:47 a.m. No.17132620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5832










Required Packaging

Liquid Patient Specimens and Biological Products

Exceeding 50 ml


Material must be packaged in a securely sealed primary receptacle. A single primary receptacle must not contain more than 500 ml of specimen. Two or more primary receptacles whose combined volume does not exceed 500 ml may be enclosed in a single secondary container. The secondary container must be securely and snugly enclosed in a fiberboard box or container of equivalent strength that serves as the outer shipping container.


Not Exceeding 50 ml


A patient specimen or biological product consisting of 50 ml or less per mailpiece must be packaged in a securely sealed primary receptacle. Two or more primary receptacles whose combined volume does not exceed 50 ml may be enclosed within a single mailpiece. The secondary container can also serve as the outer shipping container. In that case, the biohazard symbol must appear on the inner packaging or on the primary container.

What a dumbass….along with dna evidence to prove the crime.