Anonymous ID: c4c6d7 Aug. 7, 2022, 7:31 a.m. No.17135918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7347









just an observation fr family and friends get togethers over the july 4th weekend…

there were about 20 of us, we got together on sat, sun and july 4th

our main bbq was sunday afternoon

so, we casually discussed a lot of things, while swimming in the pool, bbqing, watching fireworks, playing cards, etc.

one thing was almost everyone said they have never seen the country in such a bad condition, a couple of the older ones commented that things were not this bad even under carter

regarding roe v wade overturned, seemed unanimous that this was the right thing, comments were made how gruesome it was to kill and 8 or 9 month fetus, and also that there is so much contraceptive available to today that there should not be any need for abortion, with exception of saving the life of the mother

most expressed belief that the election was stolen and most commented that Trump did a good job as president (mind you, some of the attendees were democrat voters)

overall, the group loves America, many dressed in patriotic shirts (with stars and stripes)

everyone seemed to think the media is downright evil and the media slants almost all of the stories they report on

also, sympathy for the people being held in dc over j6, and then complaints about violent criminals being let out on bond in some of the big cities

in any case, it was not all politics, we had much fun together celebrating the 4th

what i took away fr it was many people are now awake or awakening, and people are not buying the big bag of bullshit blasted by the cabal/deep state controlled corporate media, and that Donald Trump seems well respected by the American people, while brandon is a pathetic laughingstock

i have hope for the future of our country