Anonymous ID: 0d4343 Aug. 7, 2022, 7:32 a.m. No.17135990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6243 >>6250 >>6254 >>6453 >>6459 >>6471 >>6482 >>7209 >>7220 >>7521










any non cultist who succeeds in their field is targeted. hen anon signed first big contract for services, as almost immediately targeted with extortion blackmail It happened many times now. Formerly employed in the entertainment industry and black balled for anti cult shilling y anon is being currently attacked by a weird masonic police attached to the city planning division - believed connected to the coven which controls NPR in LA.


Will the pedovores illusion collapse before anon is fined into oblivion or forced to move a fence?


No body knows the day or the hour, 'anons betting it ill never happen.


They will not issue more fines, anon will not move his fucking fence, because times have changed.


Reality MSM reality delaminates having parted from our experience of reality, pedovores being rounded up right now, and if we attempt to clear our minds we may discern through the dark shifting planes of the present a very bright light shining; that is our future.


"unbalanced forces perish in the void" so we carefully balance those, being particularly careful to eliminate hate, greed, anger, lust - all the pornographic images, self righteous judgements – all the trash promoted and and distributed on every media platform by satanic legacy, or MSM media


Meditation and prayer balance our internal spiritual forces. These appear weak, but when balanced they're zero points on a higher dimensional hypercube representation of the universe, not in one cosmology but in all highly developed ones.


Balancing the forces makes them enormously powerful, but only when we have freed ourselves from material desire, from hatred, lust, fixing blame, can we consciously access the Holy.


The universe itself actively helps us when we work to benefit others. .This help us balance the powers, free ourselves and offer liberty to NPCs or shills who awaken and choose freedom.