Anonymous ID: 8e8c54 Garbage is gonna Garbage Aug. 7, 2022, 7:27 a.m. No.17135625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5988 >>5990 >>5999 >>6018 >>6024 >>6032 >>6057 >>6060 >>6076 >>6077 >>6100 >>6106 >>6142 >>6148 >>6152 >>6153 >>6154 >>6160 >>6189 >>6194 >>6195 >>6205 >>6209 >>6217 >>6220 >>6223 >>6224 >>6235 >>6243 >>6250 >>6251 >>6254 >>6262 >>6288 >>6299 >>6300 >>6306 >>6308 >>6312 >>6322 >>6333 >>6346 >>6349 >>6356 >>6357 >>6362 >>6379 >>6385 >>6394 >>6416 >>6419 >>6428 >>6440 >>6447 >>6453 >>6459 >>6466 >>6471 >>6482 >>6484 >>6491 >>6494 >>6501 >>6506 >>6536 >>6540 >>6542 >>6560 >>6571 >>6575 >>6586 >>6590 >>6608 >>6622 >>6624 >>6626 >>6628 >>6630 >>6631 >>6635 >>6640 >>6641 >>6642 >>6645 >>6658 >>6659 >>6670 >>6674 >>6683 >>6685 >>6686 >>6697 >>6705 >>6711 >>6718 >>6722 >>6727 >>6742 >>6744 >>6762 >>6772 >>6775 >>6788 >>6803 >>6804 >>6808 >>6814 >>6823 >>6828 >>6829 >>6864 >>6873 >>6896 >>6902 >>6903 >>6909 >>6915 >>6917 >>6924 >>6926 >>6931 >>7000 >>7007 >>7015 >>7024 >>7030 >>7042 >>7045 >>7057 >>7058 >>7059 >>7066 >>7068 >>7077 >>7079 >>7091 >>7093 >>7100 >>7104 >>7110 >>7117 >>7124 >>7126 >>7128 >>7131 >>7135 >>7138 >>7140 >>7144 >>7150 >>7151 >>7160 >>7168 >>7170 >>7173 >>7175 >>7178 >>7179 >>7180 >>7182 >>7199 >>7209 >>7215 >>7217 >>7220 >>7221 >>7228 >>7232 >>7233 >>7236 >>7237 >>7240 >>7258 >>7262 >>7263 >>7265 >>7267 >>7269 >>7284 >>7289 >>7296 >>7298 >>7300 >>7302 >>7309 >>7318 >>7321 >>7323 >>7329 >>7331 >>7332 >>7334 >>7335 >>7336 >>7338 >>7342 >>7345 >>7353 >>7355 >>7356 >>7358 >>7364 >>7370 >>7374 >>7376 >>7380 >>7392 >>7394 >>7402 >>7404 >>7406 >>7408 >>7409 >>7411 >>7412 >>7414 >>7415 >>7417 >>7425 >>7426 >>7433 >>7436 >>7439 >>7446 >>7447 >>7452 >>7454 >>7455 >>7459 >>7460 >>7462 >>7468 >>7474 >>7476 >>7478 >>7486 >>7489 >>7496 >>7497 >>7499 >>7501 >>7503 >>7504 >>7512 >>7513 >>7518 >>7519 >>7521 >>7528 >>7529 >>7531 >>7533 >>7535 >>7537 >>7538 >>7541 >>7542 >>7545 >>7547 >>7548 >>7552 >>7562 >>7565 >>7568 >>7578 >>7580 >>7584 >>7588 >>7593 >>7594 >>7595 >>7596 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Garbage is gonna Garbage


Let them fill it up with the garbage they are.

Just let the garbage run into the sewer where it belongs.

TRUMP made a great speech LAST NIGHT


Media too afraid to show the crowds.

I wonder why.

DJT went over everything PERECTLY

How these theives and ursurpers are a total disgrace to our Country

Let me count the ways;

first for th summary

'America’s comeback begins THIS NOVEMBER—and it will continue onward with unstoppable momentum to November 2024.


We are going to keep on working. We are going to keep on fighting. We are going to keep on winning, and we are going to GET OUR COUNTRY BACK!


As long as we do not lose our spirit, our movement will NEVER be defeated—it will only get STRONGER with each passing day. Thank you CPAC! #MAGA'


Where are the BIDEN crowds?

Oh I forgot they all are sick from taking the NWO injections and rest of them depise Biden and son and wife for their racism

wonder why they chose the lie of 'racism' to pin on DJT?