Obama-Biden advisor called for ‘planetary regime’ to control energy use
A ‘Planetary Regime,’ Dr. John Holdren and his colleagues imagined, ‘could control the development, administration, conservation, and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or nonrenewable.’
A top policy advisor for the Obama-Biden administration supported purposefully hiking gas prices to further a left-wing climate agenda and proposed “surrendering some national sovereignty to a world government.”
In a book he co-authored titled Ecoscience: population, resources, environment, Dr. John Holdren, Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy from March 2009 to January 2017, and his colleagues repeatedly discussed coercive government interventions to force people to use less energy, while contemplating the possibility of what they called a “Planetary Regime.”
As chief science advisor to the Obama-Biden administration, Holdren was responsible for advising and/or helping to make national security, homeland security, health, foreign relations, environmental, and other laws and policies for the U.S. government, as explained in a previous article in this series.
This article presents Ecoscience’s proposals for a global government to control natural resources – proposals that could have bearing on crises currently gripping the U.S. and the world.
Purposeful inflation for ‘climate change’ agenda
As was mentioned previously, not everything in Dr. Holdren’s book can be completely discussed in this article. However, because he might have been a major contributor to making U.S. federal laws and policies during the Obama-Biden administration, and because Mr. Biden is now President and Democrats control the federal government, it is worth mentioning Dr. Holdren’s statements on supporting the increase in price of gas and other energy. He and his colleagues wrote:
higher prices for energy … are needed to help promote conservation (Page 862)
Some efforts at more efficient use of energy will come about automatically through the impact of higher energy prices (Page 864)
No policy or combination of policies can deal successfully with these problems unless it incorporates as a central element a sharply reduced rate of growth of global energy use. (Page 928)
That is significant: government policies, according to Dr. Holdren and his colleagues, should have as a “central element” sharply reduced rate of growth of global energy use. That is definitely relevant to the current situation in the world after the draconian COVID-19 restrictions by governments increased the cost of energy. And summarizing another article which the authors recommend, they wrote:
If cars remain unrestricted and gasoline cheap, mass transit won’t help much with congestion or energy conservation. (Page 881)
Again the authors imply their support for increased gasoline costs as well as “restrictions” on cars. One might get the impression that the true intent of liberals’ support for electric automobiles is to eventually do away with the personal automobile altogether (page 866). Liberals’ support for abortion and other evils should be enough to result in nobody voting for them, but the quotations on support for higher gas prices and restrictions on cars are more examples of beliefs of liberal politicians which, if people knew how they planned to use their power if they were elected or appointed positions in the government, they would never get elected or appointed.