Anonymous ID: 39f8a3 Aug. 7, 2022, 9:35 a.m. No.17142332   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Koidu Ebola epidemic

Koidu Red Cross

Sierra Leone civil war

Revolutionary United Front

Diamond mining

All of that from just one NIH doc:


Fauci is NIH, right? He knows a thing or two about gain of function


I think they were testing Ebola on these people

Even Gates was in on it


Catching Ebola because they "regularly travel through bat territory to get to the mines"

Just like bat soup for covid-19, but we know covid-19 was man-made now


All while simultaneously raping their land and overtaking their government

But more interesting to me is the fact they included a quote from the novel "Heart of Darkness" in the NIH paper

Why? That's strange to me.

Heart of Darkness has a character referred to as Mistah Kurtz

Mistah Kurtz is used in the May Day ads as the personification of the fall of governments

The ads are an agenda of wars, revolution and violence that just happen to correlate to real world headlines

More on that if interested, not an easy read but worth it imo


They were spreading that shit on purpose

Why would they try to kill off their own mine workers?

Don't get me wrong, it's fucked up to kill off people using Ebola

But why make sure it's in the area of the diamond mine?