Anonymous ID: 50309f Aug. 7, 2022, 9:58 a.m. No.17147219   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Oh but still once they scan my passport they'll find out it wasn't scanned/stamped/approved at the border so just tearing it out would be ineffective. Just more reason to give trouble to me.


Random story but I tried to cross the US border via bus one time and got denied by the most American looking guy I've ever seen't, his eyes/gaze were penetrating my soul (looked like he seen some shit) and the guy just didn't like me I knew he was going to deny me the moment he saw me. He was a manlet though; I think I banged his sister in a past life without the regular offering of 3 goats and a bar of soap or some shit. Some of you Americans are srs business I wouldn't wanna be your enemy I'll say that; 1776 bloodlines.