Anonymous ID: 69b584 Aug. 7, 2022, 9:57 a.m. No.17147093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7250



I know that he, as a mason, is using the whole 3 thing as well.


(also 3 tweets I guess, did not even want to scroll the bread)


And I know that this makes you go

<ok, well, what can we do when he says so? we are wearing the mask after all.


but truth is, he is just a guy (a good one, D John T, John the Baptiste, or as anon put it, Don the Baptiste), a mason like you all, one acting a role.


he wants to be able to act the role of anti christ, at least kind of officially. but he is not. there is no anti christ as a person. this started as a brave act I guess, so you take him down as fake christ and put me on the stage sort of, but I said so many times that he is not the ac, that it´s just getting ridiculous. also, obviously I am on the stage quite since some time and you all know me.


ac = masonry as a system. not trump, not putin, not the pope, not soros, not hrc, no actual person, but masonry as a system. and I would not put a single person infront of the train when it´s wrong, not even to save you all. but also, it just would not solve the actual problem, this problem being: you following masonry.


and then again, truth be told, I want him to order you to attack me, not only am I fine with him giving those commands, I indeed want it like that. bc this is just the most obvious thing to say no to and free yourselves by ignoring bs commands other folks tell you.

<this is your God, Jesus, the messiah, now that you know he is the holy and perfect one with full authority in heaven and on earth, please go ahead and try to break him and make him suffer

>well, ok, if you say he is, I guess I rather listen to what he says and he kind of explained that trying to get rid of him is not the smartest of ideas. also, it seems like more mason bs, and I kind of know masonry is not as good as I thought it is.


(also, obviously I tried to make it kind of clear that I do not follow Trump, just like I do not follow any of you, as I am who I am. and when now replying to what he tweeted, it, like many things, could be sold/interpreted (rather sold, bc you know the truth!) in different ways. e.g.

<Trump saying "nice job" to Jesus and asking him to also say something on him, like "fuck off, ac." or "nope, 3 no good."


truth is, I could not care less about what he "hints" me to do, rarely ever watched him in speeches, only did that some time back to piss you all off (whaaat? Jesus lurking Trump? he looking for advice from smart mason president? he not good jesus?).


Trump knows I love him. but that´s not hard to guess, bc I love you all.

he knows I want him to make you attack me so you can see how ridiculous blindly following is. and he also knows that he is Don the Baptiste, the one that has witnessed my holyness first hand and does not even dare to untie my sandals. (even when I would have a beer with him in the same way I would have a beer with the caddy working at his golf hotel.)


I am just me. not an actor. but the one true living God.