Anonymous ID: 780fe3 Aug. 7, 2022, 9:16 a.m. No.17140777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1543 >>2452 >>6165









While searching the fbi vault for Tesla related material, I noticed another familiar name from prior research, Otis T Carr. Clicked the thing, had a read…

Almost sure it was in this archive I came across the name of an author of a Tesla biography which got my attention:


Margaret Storm.



The name of the biography:


Return of the Dove


(after the FLOOD, a dove returned to the ark with an olive branch… Biblical.)

Apparently, Margaret Storm just 'disappeared', according to


Bit more sniffing and I found a complete copy of the book online, and it took a day or so to get through… There are many relevant parallels and recurring themes, white magicians, black magicians, dark to light, the deep state under another name controlling the media propaganda, big pharma… Even the great awakening gets a verbatim mention.


Part 1 is here, links to sections at the top of each.


It's not like any other Tesla bio I have read, but utterly fascinating.


Part 2 was never written. Maybe that's up to anons?