Anonymous ID: c060cc Aug. 7, 2022, 9:55 a.m. No.17146573   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Developing: Active Shooter Reported at Tyson’s Corner Mall in Northern Virginia


Shoppers fled the prominent Northern Virginia Tyson’s Corner Mall Saturday afternoon after several gunshots were heard. Police responded however there are no reports of injuries at this time.


Twitter user Fellissimo Gannon (@FellGannon) shared a video reportedly from inside the mall stating, ” Was in Nordstrom in Tysons Corner Mall, VA when everyone started running and fled the mall. Heard what could’ve been gunshots at around the 1 minute mark. Hope everyone is ok and it was a false alarm.”


Fairfax County Police reported, “Officers on scene for shots fired at 7900 Tysons Corner Center. A fight broke out between a small group, one man described as a blk male in a blk hoodie w/blk jeans & white shoes displayed a firearm & discharged weapon. No reports of injuries right now. Avoid area.”