Anonymous ID: 03554e Aug. 7, 2022, 9:59 a.m. No.17147469   🗄️.is 🔗kun








Barr Just told you what Q told us last year


Look at the Cali Turnout Lowest ever Why[Watch California]


They made it Legal to dump shit ballots


They made them all Legal as far as vote count



Now We could Bust the machines S&S smartmatic but who does that help at this point?



So who controls the machines ?



has new legislation been passed?


No shit fake ballots?





if they say trump caused a insurrection what does that mean? Cant serve again unless 3/4 congress approves?



If we Get this right We load the senate 62 deep get enough house to get speaker,



then we do the Investigations and we get trump for 10 more years



Now shut the fuck up and vote for the right niggers



But Its RIGGED FOR RED so there is that