Enough is enough! You have gone over the fucking top with your bullshit. None of us here need nor want you to tell us what to think or believe. Personally, I'm not convinced the posts are the real Q but I damn sure don't need you shoving this shit down my throat. Nobody picked you to be their mommy, nanny, advisor or anything else. Anons will believe what anons want to believe and there is not a fucking thing you can do about it. Which drives you nuts since you have such a sick and twisted need to be in control and be right about every fucking thing.
You were a tyrant and no one wanted you as BV anymoar. Then you lost your power due to your own crews fuckup, yet have insisted that the board was stolen from you. You have been on a 6 month temper tantrum. You begged and cried about Jim not giving you your own board. Then he did and all you have done is call him names, accuse him of grifting and lying. You come here with your accusations instead of staying on the board that you begged for.
You are seriously one pathetic fuck up.