Anonymous ID: bcd569 Aug. 7, 2022, 9:31 a.m. No.17141553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2118 >>8051


>US Biolabs in Ukraine

>Deploying chemical agents in Russia/China

>China gets really good at gating their communities and AI surveillance, shutting down any disease because they're being bombarded with disease one step away from developing zombies

>China decides to zombify everyone via Olympic athletes, because fuck you

>Suddenly your biowarfare is on the USA's turf who has no gates anywhere and no deployment capability


I mean, I was told these people are stupid, but I didn't realize to WHAT DEGREE they are stupid. They literally don't give a fuck if we do and they figure they might as well human experiment on us anyway because they take it as a given that we're gonna die.