Anonymous ID: 670fde Aug. 7, 2022, 11:25 a.m. No.17150475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1478 >>2707 >>0066 >>0455




is English not your first language?


the concept of slavery was always a bone of contention in the new world

aka America


Europeans had been civilized for milleniums

well, at least for the ideals of civilized men

on the other hand

Africa was stuck in tribal wars

and cannibalism

and cannibalism still exists in undeveloped parts of the world

probably into the 20th century


throw in some voodoo

and you can understand caution of white men

who could not predict what these strange black savages might do


same with the American Indians

savage and uncivilized


on the west coast, the Chinese were emigrating

and were halfway civilized,

probably quite civilized

but still strange to European's Christian ethics


so fuck urself whatever you meant


here's a video to watch that may help understand

The Quigley Formula

Edward G. Griffin


who has studied this group

he says it was formed from the seven wills

of a man named Cecil Rhodes

who owned diamond mines

and who created circles within circles

each knowing nothing of the other

which built a powerful society

It began as a promotion of the genteel British culture

to establish it around the world as the IDEAL

somehow it turned into COMMUNISM

and is now run by criminals


I believe that this began by the Illuminati

that began with Mason Lodges

and built on Voltaire's rejection of Christianity

no, not all religion, he hated Christianity and mocked it

The Illuminati is all about "modernism"

and about the end of government, religions, and all morality

go figure