Anonymous ID: b0eccf Aug. 7, 2022, 11:39 a.m. No.17153337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4838 >>9987 >>0661



look you are the one defending Q.


You the one who post a bunch of santa surfing and Dr (not a doctor)Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes and his insider Pentagon Sources, Tarrot with Jeanie and on and on Mike Jaco, it's all a pile o stinking shit.


You are the shill pushin this QAnon crap that Mike Rothschild an MSNBC want to exploit . You are blindly in the cult.


You are the one who doesn't question.


You are the one bring up meaningless topics and slide threads babbling about nothing at all. Go ahead post another Q from 2017 retard, try not to drool down your shirt.