Anonymous ID: 9b6f9d Aug. 7, 2022, 11:21 a.m. No.17149611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0654 >>3464 >>4056 >>6723 >>9385







this is getting weird - could there be a9/11angle to the strip club?


can't access the follow-on story about the strip club owner getting off on a deal (paywall, two years later):


was archived only once on July 11th, 2021. 7/11 is the occult date for 9/11, DJT has made ref to this.


The Florida connection to 9/11 even includes abloodline to Osama bin Ladenhimself.


Hisbrother, Khalil, owned a mansion just outside of Orlandofor almost 20 years, but in the days following the terror attack, he and his family fled the area.


wayback machine won't let me access 2003 Orlando Sentinel article, redirects away:*/