Anonymous ID: cd7c45 June 12, 2018, 12:06 p.m. No.1716451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6486


>Then she proposed I leave our house if I wanted to continue talking about him.


1) There are likely millions of men in exactly the same boat that you are in, so don't feel alone.


2) Never move out of your house, but if she doesn't want to be around someone with an open mind, then offer to help her pack.


3) Since you describe her as your "significant other" I am assuming that you are not married. If true, then she is unconsciously testing YOU for strength. If you can NOT stand UP to her, then how are you gonna protect her when an external threat arises. SHE IS WRONG AND NEEDS TO KNOW IT, but that doesn't mean that you should bring up POTUS just to annoy her. RESPECT HER FEELINGS.


As a wise one once told me, the analogy in life between and man and woman is this. As the MAN, you are on a mission, a journey, in LIFE and YOU as the driver have chosen a WOMAN to take the RIDE with YOU. She is free to make suggestions and criticisms along the way and you should listen, but she NEEDS to understand that she CAN'T GRAB THE WHEEL. IT is YOUR job to SET the RULES and to have the BALLS to pull over and LET HER OUT if she continues to violate them.