Anonymous ID: da72fc June 12, 2018, 11:25 a.m. No.1715924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5932 >>5943 >>5969 >>6078



So when Q asked us how close is the closest star,

Was that his way of telling us that ETs are real

But they come from here?

In other words, any sightings of advanced technology flying machines

Are just sightings of top secret Earth technology?

Anonymous ID: da72fc June 12, 2018, 11:38 a.m. No.1716107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6159



Shut up about Trump

And if she says anything about Trump

Tell her to shut up about him


You can and should talk about Kim Jong Un

But do NOT preach

Be curious

Say "I can't believe that North Korea is actually changing"

"What is really going on in NK?"

"I heard that Kim fired his top 3 generals a while back"

"Did you see the meeting with Moon from South Korea?"

"They seemed to be getting along great"

And if she says anything about Trump

Say to her

"What is wrong with you? Why are you so fixated on Trump?"

"Look at what is happening in South and North Korea".


That is how you red pill someone out of this psychosis.

Avoid discussions of Trump

To add variety, don't just tell her to shut up about Trump

Tell hert Trump is only one guy. Look at what South Korea is doing?

Look at the Democrat starting the Walk Away movement.

Why are black people turning against BLM?

Now they are saying that BLM was actually an anti-Black movement.

What is happening?


Red pilling is done by asking questions

And by avoiding the few points that someone is FIXATED on.

By avoiding those points, you can have a dialog

You can get someone thinking

And one day, in their own time, they will change

You will say, "Stop with this Trump bullshit. Who cares about Trump"

And they will read you the riot act straight from Q's drops

That is the Great Awakening

Anonymous ID: da72fc June 12, 2018, 11:42 a.m. No.1716159   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I went through this with a Ukrainian wife

Who was fixated on evil Putin

A man who I greatly respect

And who I believe is a strong ally in the fight

Against globalist evil

So I learned who to never say good things about Putin

But I never stopped pointing out the bad things

And discrepancies between

Actions and Statements

Of the leadership in Kiev


And it worked

She no longer talks about Putin at all

One day when the crimes of the Kiev regime are unveiled

She will see Putin in a fairer light

Interestingly, she thinks Trump is great

Because he is anti-communist

Anonymous ID: da72fc June 12, 2018, 11:44 a.m. No.1716181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6196



This is all a movie

It always was a movie

ES used to be the director

But now, DJT is the director

The movie continues

The players are the same


But the DESTINY is different

There is a new production company in charge

Could you play the game

If you were asked, as a patriot?