Anonymous ID: e2200e June 12, 2018, 11:24 a.m. No.1715910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5933 >>5960 >>5973 >>6197 >>6303 >>6347

Wow. I have come in here trolling a fair amount the last month or two, fed up with Q's bullshit. I was wrong though. He is legit. I still hate you boomers and think most of you are cringey faggots, but Q is real. If he was a LARP he would need a whole team to put together the photos, find "coincidences," ect. that he dropped the last few days.


If this is real everything else he dropped is real too. The Roths, the Satanism, the Pope, Merkel, all of it. And I think it might actually come out.

Anonymous ID: e2200e June 12, 2018, 11:43 a.m. No.1716173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6331


A lot of good well meaning, intelligent, but frustrated people don't buy it. Everyone has been burned by the government their whole lives prior to now. The riddles also annoy the shit out of people, and seem to tease disclosure without it happening. I get why it might be done this way, and I have seen enough of Trump to know that he is legit and what he does has purpose. A lot of people don't like being teased though and react viscerally. It is hard to be told in cryptic terms that a biblical cleansing of the world is taking place and that humanity is entering a new golden age. Q promises nothing less, and he also asserts the existance of conspiracy and evil that is equally insane to comprehend. All of history up to now has taught intelligent people to be cynical, and if it seems to good to be true it probably is. This is where most intelligent Trump supporters that are aware of Q end up. It doesnt mean they are all shills, it doesnt mean they dont support the cause. They just want to think critically and not be taken for a ride.


I would suggest dropping the cult trappings and name calling of those that express doubts. Most "shills" here are not shills. They want to believe, but they are protecting themselves from disappointment by being skeptical. Sometimes this comes out in trolling the board, sometimes it comes out in honest questions. Regardless, lets stop the name calling. Lets organize the proofs and present logical arguments as to why we think the facts support the reality of Q as a truth telling Trump insider, sanctioned by Trump himself. Lets make our point without name calling or loyalty oaths. Trump of all people has shown the value of kindness and respect when arguing in order to bring new people into the fold.

Anonymous ID: e2200e June 12, 2018, 11:48 a.m. No.1716234   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is one of the biggest frustrations. The blindness of family and friends. Think how far the people have come in the last 2 years in their understanding however. Think about where you were in your understanding 2 years ago. This North Korea thing is probably the first real, earth shaking event that even the normies cant deny. If the rest of Trump and Q's predictions/promises start coming true, people will start to notice. It is frustrating as hell but I still have hope. Trump played this Korea thing beautifully. Rodman on CNN was epic. People wont be able to deny the sea change in reality around them forever.

Anonymous ID: e2200e June 12, 2018, 11:59 a.m. No.1716355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6372


Yeah I think the clock concept is discrediting to the board. Kind of like the flat earth garbage. Trump has planned this thoroughly but not down to the day. You can debate the validity of numerology/astrology/bible code shit all you want but it isn't going to help bring normal people on board.