Anonymous ID: 3ba2d8 Aug. 7, 2022, 2:44 p.m. No.17163636   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Tribune story stated,


"A Metra [commuter train] employee found him Friday morning, slumped in his seat on his way to work, his customary collection of morning newspapers still in his lap. He had died on his morning commute from his Flossmoor home to his office downtown."


Some of his buddies, however, have confided to us that they are convinced that GEORGE LAZARUS was murdered.



One media honcho, poorly informed and naive, said "Was he shot with a gun?" a foolish question in the current era of political assassination. [Evidently, they never read the reports by CIA to Congressional intelligence committees about cyanide pistols and potassium killer devices.]


Did the Tribune want their own reporter DEAD? There is the unsolved crime of about 1930, involving a Tribune reporter, Jake Lingle, who was shaking down mobsters and others to hush up stories. He was bumped off by being shot in a public place. [It may be a small item but Lazarus lived among the numerous hoodlums in the south suburb of Flossmoor.]


So you thought that mass media reporters are only knocked off in Mexico? Ha, ha. Lazarus was reportedly pursuing some of the issues raised by our series Was the highly corrupt U.S. Justice Department going to finally take an interest that Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola are owned and operated by substantially the same people?



That they are a price-fixing monopoly designed to wreck other smaller soft drink beverage firms like R C Cola. And that DDB advertising represents both of the two major soda pop companies, Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola.


So how many more are they going to have to assassinate to cover up the Coca-Cola espionage and corruption scandals?

pt 24