Anonymous ID: e5a236 Aug. 7, 2022, 2:50 p.m. No.17165121   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Well here's the unvarnished truth:

-MSM still controlled by dems

-Military not doing their constitutional duty to protect our borders

-all 3 letter agencies are traitors

-Supreme court is compromised

-Unequal justice under the law, why are J6 demonstrators still in prison and Antifa/BLM violent seditionists free

-Millions jabbed with deadly therapies

-Medical and Pharma, FDA/CDC all corrupt and driven by greed off of human suffering

-Law Enforcement run by satanists

-We are counciled to fight peacefully when the entire system is corrupted

  • Our votes are overwhelmed by fraudulent ballots, yet our vote counts