Anonymous ID: 07949f Aug. 7, 2022, 6:56 p.m. No.17176315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0728


July 4th, a Most Masonic Holy-day


The selected date of our independence was to be the Masonic worshiped Solar Aphelion which is quite literally ancient sun worship or astrotheology. With this in mind the above paragraph takes on new meaning.


This paragraph has overt references to “one people” or (Humanity/Earth) “separating” after “bands” (gravitational fields) have been dissolved. It references assuming “Powers of the Earth” (occultic sciences) and establishing a “separate” “equal station” (freedom from Sirius) to which “The Laws of Nature” (laws of physics) and “Nature’s God” (accepted physical world) entitle them.