Anonymous ID: a2f4a3 Aug. 7, 2022, 6:16 p.m. No.17167706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8642 >>0863 >>1758 >>3314


Updated dough: Q Research General #21900: Robert Bobby E. III Crimo- Clown Asset and radicalized by Dems

Baker is tapping out, eyes are hurting, not feeling well.

New baker please step up, note takers help out until then.

Things to note, typical age, background and radicalized by clowns, definitely on drugs and will have a therapist.

Note, during any public event, there are eyes in the skys, there are cameras everywhere, his vantage point was on the roof, the definitely should have been picked up by aerial copters, drones or traffic copters, you can can bet you last penny on him being on the feds watchlist - inside job !!!

As always we pray for the victims and their families for this senseless attack on children during a time of celebration. Weekend chatter was pointing to something like this happening, check moranic statements, baker was on duty and even mentioned that one individual would be posting a manifesto soon, most anons called him out as a fed !!!

If the clowns and unintelligence agency's did not exist, there would be a lot less of this unnecessary deaths.

Fuck you deep state, your days are numbered.


In God We Trust, God Speed Ahead - o7