Anonymous ID: 3746ea Aug. 7, 2022, 6:16 p.m. No.17167618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0439



>The Supreme Court's First Black Woman"


When Trump runs, he's going to give democrats compliment after compliement.


My predecessor did some great things:


1) 1st AA VP

2) 1st AA SC Justice

3) 1st AA PSPOX

4) 1st Gay Sec of Trans

5) 1st Trans Sec of Health


etc. etc. etc.


He's going to give those compliments lavishly and remind everyone what a great (/sarcasm) job they did. And then there will be case for removing all of the 'special' status these groups have…..and theCHERRYon the cake will be Elizabeth Warren announcing it all.