Localized war, not the events portrayed by the Christian churches who can't seem to read Revelation.
Anti-Christ seats himself in Jerusalem. He doesn't cause the entire world to accept the mark of the beast. "All" in the bible often means "all who did." His Jewish false prophet causes all of his people to take the mark.
Anti-Christ is constantly at war with everyone. Russia comes banging down the doors at the end, and Jesus returns… not in time to "save Israel," but only after Jerusalem is destroyed.
Jesus isn't nice and holding lambs and looking like the pictures - He's drenched in the blood of those he wipes out. Not going to be unicorns farting beautiful rainbows on His return.
And anti-Christ? A muslim. Those who don't accept the mark are beheaded. What religion beheads nowadays? Further, the pact with Israel to rebuild the temple on the Islamic-controlled temple mount can only be made between a Jew and… a Muslim.
This is the peace I believe that will shock the world: the marriage of Islam and Judaism.
Jesus made it clear His people aren't Jews.