Recycling the same two deaths from contaminated formula, that was contaminated at the home, btw, not in the plant?
This smells like Durbin playing punching bag politics.
I bet Abbott declined to make the obligatory Campaign contribution to the incumbent's campaign this year. He's a new Chair of the Board, and wanted to set his own standard.
Durbin, on the other hand, has his hands in every single piece of food legislation, especially SNAP and EBT cards (Food Stamps), so this would be his fiefdom, no question.
Punching bag politics is where you publicly flay the uncooperating prospective donor until they pay p, now at the higher rate for all the trouble they caused, naturally. Durbin is yankin all his strings to squeeze the IL based company. Has all the hallmarks of an old play. (He did this with Walgreens when they bought UK's Boots drug chain, to invert to Irish taxes. Beat 'em up for months and had them audited 8 different ways).
It's his total M.O. from the dirtier side of St. Louis politics, East St. Louis, IL.