Anonymous ID: 732f3f Aug. 7, 2022, 6:39 p.m. No.17172800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0479 >>0591



The moar they fuck around, the moar they find out.


'Those' people are stupid. They remind me of 'these' people over here, who are stupid.

So much so in fact, I firmly believe that 'those' stupid people ARE 'these' stupid people.


Let's see:

'These' stupid people overthrew those people's government in 2014.

Biden, Pelosi, Romney and Kerry all had/have children working at/for Ukrainian Energy Companies.

Biden publicly blackmails their DOJ (and openly brags about it) to fire the prosecutor uncovering such truths.

Since then, we've sent $56 Billion to [them] because mean 'ol Putin is picking on them.


Well, Putin told them for years and years what he was going to do if they continued to ignore the Minsk Agreements.

Unlike what the MSM would like for you to believe, at this point it appears that Putin is good for his word.

Very sadly, it follows that he may be more honest than anyone currently serving in our Government or the MSM.


With regards to the $56 Billion, who is blackmailing whom?

When will normie connect the dots?