>'trip code compromised'
but that has always been a canary for Q that confirms board security hasnt been comp'd yet
if Q ever enters their password and a different tripcode pops out, then the canary has died
this has happened MANY times over the drops
the tripcode isnt for us to confirm Q
its for Q to verify site security has not been breached
zero delta's and 'next image in the series' posts between Q and POTUS are how we have -always- verified Q
there is no other way to verify Q
anytime a tripcode gets burned (and there have been almost 10 different tripcodes over the drops now) Q will re-verify the new trip with proof of being "in the same room" as POTUS (DJT)
in the beginning there were no tripcodes
and anons had to scrape breads for what they "thought" were Q posts
many of the first drops are Q replying to anon CAP's
telling anons which posts are Q team, and which posts are just anon
the two posts WITH NO TRIPCODE that the tripcode Q on /hivemind/ screenshoted, showing the (You)'s confirms the connetion between those posters (hivemind tripcode Q and non-tripcode 0 delta Q)