Sad things is, I've been asking for help for 4 years from every Veteran Charity (fuck you Gary Sinise with your multimillion dollar charity won't fucking help a veteran in need) and probably another 16 vet charities with no help. I wrote Trump, my Senators and Reps and got no help for me and my family.
I'm broke anons. My family has health issues. I recently had a stress test and shown a bad heart… VA sent a request for a cardiologist at local hospital group 4 months ago and still haven't gotten a appt. Wife's nephew (idiot for truth) has moved in… with twins 1yr old's. Gas price is bad. My retirement check is just the civ retirement and it isn't that much. $23k a year. Mil retirement doesn't kick in till 60 (Guard), I can't get anyone out to the house to recharge my A/C. (Actually think they are getting called off from helping us). Couldn't get anyone out to replace failed septic… think those guys got calls too… and that money is gone.
Army Corp is wanting to take my living certificate from my home for it. They can appear at anytime.
Had 2 Sheriffs at my door couple weeks ago acting odd.
Just trying to survive in the red now. Don't have the cap to be a Paytriot out in the boonies.
Times are tough.
Yet here I am… 5 years fighting this battle for the Country I love and Served.
#HoldingtheOath and spreading the word.
Love you guys. No homo.
Hang in there.