Let me try something here to get you faggots ultra moativated. You faggots are superstar commenters / proofers / news mavericks. Let me prove it:
time zero - anon posts proof / news item / opine
time + 1 - 90,000 across the world read in lurk mode
time + 2 - If warranted, baker picks up as notable
time + 3 - anon post as notable is picked up by aggregator to viewership of +1.5 million
time + 4 - anon post is integrated into opine pieces / articles / citizen journalist digs and interviews. Hive mind has integrated into current dig and news search environment
time + 5 - total impact of anon post surpasses 5 million person mark in total of social media / journalism outreach.
Do you see why you might be pissing them off? Unfiltered outlooks by those that seek peace and unity making it into the popular consciousness. Keep going anons. You're on course on glidepath.