content screenshots plox
Literally everyone knows you post here and literally nobody cares.
To clarify, no one cares that a specific individual has been tied to a specific ID now. What one contributes remains the only important thing here.
Timezones don't match, sorry.
UTC-7 (Whidbey), UTC+7 (Tomsk)
It's a bit off. This deserves more digging, though.
I'm usually pro-pleiadian but Kabamur's explanation doesn't feel very convincing right now. Except that Q+ signed the lastest /pf/ post so who knows.
That's what you think until you meet one. Satan's deception is real but this is not it.
That's a good plan. And that's what I did :)
Thank you, good dig
>unless i see an alien swoop out of the sky and man handle a live missile
Hold it right there cowboy.
skip to 6:40
There are bad ET's and there are good ET's. The more you know the easier time you'll have discrening what's good and what's bad.
Who's going to save you from what? Where was this implied? Don't read new age bs. Use discernment and spirituality.
These military guys had UFO experience. Mental gymnastics are activating at this point.
>"i'm sticking with the military."
>post proof of MIL experience with UFO's (one of MANY)
>tell anon to discern for himself
>"this is the part where i filter you for sliding"