Anonymous ID: 48ae0c June 14, 2018, 9:34 p.m. No.1755146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5393 >>2000


Let's go back to the beginning of this fairy tale…


A mad scientist came here with his half brother. He was in charge of the Genesis, meaning using his "ark" of DNA to recreate plant and animal life here so they could live as close to home style as possible while they sucked up the gold.


The mad scientist, much like scientists of today got an idea..wonder what would happen if I did …and so he did…use HIS DNA (and if the story is correct, the gifted DNA of other off worlders) to see what would happen. He loved his creations, kept them apart from the others, hidden…took care of them. Even his "fails" he loved. He taught them art, music, and science and medicinal ways. Showed them how to use sacred plants "so that they might know themselves" *but opposition said "but they will become like US, like gods" (actual Genesis quote, including the plural).


Long story short they knew a cataclysm was soon to come upon the earth. The Jealous Half Brother discovered what his brother had been up to. It caused a right royal row. Their father came to settle it. Things did not go the way the Jealous half brother wanted…he was not given the kingship and rule over his brother that he sought…still the brother agreed that when the cataclysm came he would permit his creations to be destroyed. That seemed to pacify the angry, wrathful, JEALOUS "god" the time came and they packed all their toys and went to Mars to wait out the mess…(Some say Nibiru passes close and messes shit up).


Many many years later they came back. IN our timeline these beings live a very long time, shorter in our atmosphere than theirs…stands to reason any gene mixing would pass some of that longevity down to "the creations, Adamus, first man" as told in the Sumerian texts and in the book of Enki.


SO they came back and what did they find? It seems that Enki was visited by a spirit who told him that he was NOT permitted to let the beings of his blood be destroyed. So Enki, as time grew near to leave, stashed his people according to their "race" in high places around the world.


That's why we have the odd Paracas skulls and other elongated skulls..that's why the Sechetah that the Pauite murdered had double rows of teeth. Enki didn't get "it right" the first go, but he didn't destroy all that he'd created. That's why some are super tall..he was just a mad scientist in love with his work.


Even today we have scientists cloning animals, and working to do it on humans..not impossible eh


So what did they find when they returned to earth? OH, the jealous half brother was furious and conspired to, and ordered up his very own admixture. Likely based off one of Enkis' or, perhaps his very own.


THEN he made them worship him alone. He was self-described as angry, wrathful, and jealous. He told them they were special and ordered them to go about killing every man woman and child…


SO, if you want to separate the good guys from the bad guys, you must step away from the "history" plagiarized and altered by the "victors". Easy…go look at who Jehovah particularly ordered his people to kill…because THEY didn't love HIM enough.


It is impossible to critically think you way through all this unless you are able and willing to set aside the "story" of your religious imprinting. (((THEY))) hate the goy but love the devotion to "god"…and how easily you are led by the story (((THEY))) wrote for you. Evangelicals are their own worst enemy…(((THEY))) hate you, literally hate you.


SO where ever the creations were hiding out they never lasted very long…but they left their marks.


When concocting a theory, one must also not forget to include human nature. SOME people will leave one group and join another…and others will "convert" to a group…en masse, some by force, some by choice (European jews)….not semetic..but perhaps they left their own group to join a different group…shit happens. It's not all black and white.


The red headed people were good…still are good…


So go back and check the bible..the egoistic fools wrote it all down..who in particular were they ordered to kill? Name them tribe by tribe. Then you can sort out who the good guys were.


Scota saved the last lot from Egypt. Bless her.


Want to fall down a rabbit hole, follow archeology your whole life like I have…(in search of)…and see the high strangeness surrounding DNA.

Anonymous ID: 48ae0c June 15, 2018, 8:05 a.m. No.1758521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2000


It stands to reason there were life forms on earth at the time of arrival. Clearly the mad scientist used something for his base. In the story it tells of him trying to perfect his admixture…6 times, and on the seventh try he used a clay vessel and it worked. Speculation was that there was some form of "activator" in the clay.


The life span issue was addressed as…on their home planet they lived a very long time. They discovered living on earth shortened their span to about (estimated) 250K years. Apparently something in them changed and irrevocably so in our atmosphere.


Now, you must let go of the story of Noah as you know it. Revisit the epic of Gilgamesh, realize the story was "stolen" by (((THEM))) and the hero made into one of theirs. (((WE))) are the only and rightful survivors! (((OUR BLOOD)))


But let's see how that story was shifted an still, at the same time, included a few hints as to what happened. It is impossible to fit two of every kind of animal on earth, every insect, etc…and food animals into that small space…so allegory of "ark"..well Enki came with an ark full of DNA to recreate comfortable life…stands to reason that when they left he gathered up DNA (picture piles of petrie dishes full of DNA samples….and took them with him when they went to Mars.Thus the story of Noah was change to make a Heb the hero and originator of all subsequent human life on earth, an thus the rightful rulers…but if the covenant with Jehovah was not made until after the return and he made his own line….another timeline fudged eh? SO, a Sumerian epic tale of a local boy surviving a local inundation (after all, without CNN how on earth would they know it was "world wide"?) was twisted into the chosen being chosen for their devotion to their "god" and saving all life on earth…but the injection of the ark narrative into the Gilgamesh story served two purposes. 1. make us the hero and 2. explain how, if all life was obliterated by the flood, that life indeed survived.


For a good source on the issues of the OT, search out Maruo Biglino. He was formerly an official heb translator for the Vatican. He got fired when he published a book with a symbol by symbol translation of some OT books versus the officially recognized translation which included punctuation and vowels. They couldn't make sense of it without vowels and punctuation. Heb is a language of SYMBOLS, much like hieroglyphics. Mauro's work read a bit differently when the additions of vowels and punctuation were removed. A group of Hebrew students were also doing this work publishing their own translations based on only the symbols. Cross referencing the work, done and different times is very interesting. I'd say that in the secret bowels of Judaism, this is well known…the truth that is…

pt 1

Anonymous ID: 48ae0c June 15, 2018, 8:06 a.m. No.1758527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2000

pt 2

As to Jesus. Another rabbit hole that is very uncomfortable and scary for believers to critically examine.


The hebs were completely controlled by their rules/laws. Very rigid I might add. Many were searching for a more natural way of "worship" and perhaps were influenced by other cultures when they came into contact with them via travel.


If we recognize religion as a fear-based form of control, what happens if groups of people start to leave that ideology? Normally something else pops up to "believe in". This is happening today…as people leave organized xianity, the ascension cults rose up. Pretending to be love and light (blah blah) but also with a rigid set of rules one must follow and obey if one wishes to "ascend". Same plan different name.


SO, it is with a critical eye that one must examine the character of this Jesus who arose from "no where". Especially as described in the NT. There's a lot of information floating about, and one must keep an open mind and not decide…but one thing is for sure, they needed a Jewish hero. One with the same qualities of the Roman gods…so…it seems as if the character of Jesus in the NT is a compilation of three different people.


Issa, the traveling man from Kashmir who first studied with Hindu, then Budhists, then went to Palestine. He had a twin brother Thomas or a brother Thomas who looked so much like him they were continually mistaken for each other. In the contemporary court records of the time both men are mentioned. Thomas was a notable mason/stone worker.


At some point Issa returned to Kashmir, married and raised a family, died and was buried in a tomb at RozBal..Kashmir. An area under complete Moslim control right now. I'll leave you to investigate the tomb there…and the curious footplate at the base of the tomb (inside) that shows two feet with nail holes in them. There was a movement afoot some years ago to DNA test the body in the tomb and Moslims refuse access. The reason being is this..if the story of the NT Jesus fails, then Islam fails…remember Islam came 500 years after and like the Hebs, Mo actually plagiarized much of the OT rules. There is literally zero difference between what a orthodox rabbi preaches and what a radical Imam preaches.


A shift to the kinder, gentler Gnostic beliefs was likely started by the teachings of Issa in Palestine. Read the Secret Gospel of Thomas…it's complete and total zen Buddhism.


The travels and teachings of Issa are well documented in contemporary records of the Kashimir area.


So 1. Issa

  1. Appalonias of Tyana (Applonias of Tyre)


who oddly also traveled to India.


and 3. A radical zionist of the day committed to freeing the Jews from Roman rule


You can see all three characters entwined into one viable character…a Jewish hero..(see the theme?) co-opted to rope the gentiles into following, believing in and bowing to the greater Jewish "god".


When did things change?

Anonymous ID: 48ae0c June 15, 2018, 8:06 a.m. No.1758530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2000 >>2164

pt 3


Paul came….a former? roman soldier sent in to investigate this loss of control. Infiltrated the movement, co-opted it and shifted it entirely! He had been a Mithraic priest and introduced a lot of Mithracism into the xian religion. He basically re-wrote the rules..the rules xians follow to this day. Complete and total control with Jews still coming out on top as the superior chosen race. A guy pops in saying OMG I was this evil roman soldier executing christians then I saw the light and converted and here I am….and they swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. He was likely a roman spy/infiltrator with a mission to subvert the subversives and it worked so well it is still in action to this day.


One MUST remember that Hinduism and Buhdism are FAR older than xianity. The vedic texts tell their own story of Enki and Enil..their gods are based on those beings that settled in that area. Recall the roman gods, the greek gods…enter the Hindu gods…if you are into comparable religions you will be able to sort out which Hindu god correlates with Roman/Greek gods. Well, they couldn't go home right? So why not…live as gods. Think Cargo Cult, John Frum…complete and total control over the humans who by now are so mixed up genetically…well…


In my narrative we've leaped frogged over thousands of years!


The epic battles for control between the followers of Enki versus those of Enil are "storied" in the form of epic sagas. "Then the sons of god looked down upon the daughters of men and saw that they were beautiful and took them as wives." More gene mixing…hey they might as well get their freak on right? It was also a battle of control..the more of one gene pool surviving the more of (((THEM))) there were.


The epic story of ISIS and Osiris is quite many Pharaohs has blonde or red hair and fucked up skulls…and they married each other…why did "royals" marry each other? Oops.


Somewhere along the way the "bloodline" myth grew up to justify heredic rule of kings…we're special, we're divine, we're gods…KEK.


WRONG. The secret of the bloodline is that there is no bloodline. It's a form of control. I had gained access to one of the bloodline family DNA projects. Much to their great disappointment there was absolutely nothing "special" about them genetically at all. It seems that Enil's fail in replication was either watered down or failed to pass on the abilities that many of Enki's final product produced. Not all carried this (there is some theoretical physics theory on this and a little known organ in the brain…it seems that only in some people it works, the root cause has to be in the perfect genetic combination.) recall that over generations genetic traces can be "wiped out". Currently only the perfect storm of gene mixing can produce a working organ. The people who have one know they're different. They are the quiet ones. It's not about rh- as (((THEY))) want all to believe…let's put it this way, some have some, but some have all. Those who have all are a MASSIVE danger to those who only have some or none at all.


Each culture has their own story of "visitors" coming and tinkering with their genetics. From China to Africa…thus while Enki was the pioneer, there were others after.


In the movie minority report what happened to the precogs (those who had all in my assessment?) They were imprisoned in the tank and forced to work for the government.


The push to capture as much DNA as possible has always frightened me. What are they looking for? Doesn't take a genius to sort that one out.


Throughout history the Hebs have managed to maintain control..sending out the Merovingians to further the myth…connecting all the royal houses into the bloodline only works if you believe…how did the obscure god of an obscure desert tribe come to rule the world?


Combined stories..Moses as Ahkenatan….interesting story..once again the hebs co-opting and twisting a story into their own HERO epic….off that.

Anonymous ID: 48ae0c June 15, 2018, 4:07 p.m. No.1763546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4028


>The Christians have been duped into worshiping Anu.

You done went and fucked up. Enki=Lightbringer

ENIL=Jehovah aka asshole god.


The archtypal half brothers at war. The theme is present throughout the bible. KEK,.Anu was THEIR father…and FYI they are NOT gods…MKAY???


Indigenous people in South and Central America have a creation myth radically different than Judeoxian…in fact it's in line with the Sumerian's quite amazing to read/hear them talk about how "creator" (notice…not god, but creator) gifted them the sacred vines/plants of knowledge so that they might know themselves. The absolute complete opposite of what happened in Genesis. The Snake=wisdom bringer in all traditions except…Judeoxian.


WHY all of the sudden people popping in this thread screaming bloody murder about the discussion here as if somehow it's interfering in the research bread?


  1. it's relevant because of the push to get DNA

  2. it's relevant as far as how control was taken and kept BY (((THEM)))

  3. (((THEY))) found this thread and are screaming because????


Scared much assholes?


And on other thing….you can count on this…RED HAIR is demonized throughout the bible..Mary Magdalene, Judas.any "bad guy" has red hair.


In fact, the Magdalene was probably the last or close to the last of her line. NOT as the bride of the ISSA Jesus unless they spawned…Issa went back to Kashmir..Soe speculate the wedding at Canna was JTBaptist's marriage to MM and he was a bit of an asshole to her…anyway, that story can be found in "The Virgin and the Priest"…basically investigates whether or not Zachariah was running a breeding op at the temple to attempt to propagate….it's a fair on theory, a lot to think about but far from exactly on target.


Another theory is that ONE of the Jesus models, likely the one actually FROM Palestine and actually called Jesus was the son of a roman soldier Pantera (whose grave was recently found in Europe and whose timeline aligns with the fatherhood theory)…It is this "Jesus" that was the building block for the character of Jesus in the bible. Jesus, Issa, and Appalonia of Tyre. A composite character.


As far as being crucified, the tomb at RozBal certainly indicates a crucifiction. The chapel at Rennes Le Chateau stations of the cross expresses what the Priest Saunier was said to have found hidden in the alter, a secret "Kings would kill to own"…and he expressed those secrets in his stations of the cross art among other things. In the removal from the cross at night station, the body of Christ is missing the sword wound in his side and is being removed from the cross by relations when the moon is high in the sky. No Jew would have touched a dead body after sundown. True fax.


So Issa may have been slipped a "soma" which made him appear to faint..he was removed and took time to recover before absconding back to Kashmir. What happened to "Jesus"? Many theories abound.


Red heads are not evil. (((THEY))) are evil.

Anonymous ID: 48ae0c June 15, 2018, 4:11 p.m. No.1763624   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Q reads this board and responds to the concerns and posts of Q anons. You are making it hard for Q to find the Q anon posts. You crazies are not Q anons.


Concernfag…this is a research thread, has nothing to do with the breads. If Q reads it more power to him, but he communicates via the research bread and patriot…so STFU Jew, your sekrits are not so sekrit any more.

Anonymous ID: 48ae0c June 15, 2018, 6:32 p.m. No.1765940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6488


>This is where I got that Anu is Yahweh, and the fight is between him and Enki.



The Sumerian texts and the book of Enki make it CLEAR the fight was between the half brothers Enki and Enil. Anu was called down to mediate after Enil found out about Enki's creations. Enil hoped to be handed kingship due to his brother's rule breaking. Anu disappointed Enil and kept the dual kingship.


JAYSIS how many times do I have to write it. That website is bull shit and not based on the primary documents.


Creator is not "god" but they assume the positions of gods because they could not ever go home. Cargo Cult…religion.

Anonymous ID: 48ae0c June 16, 2018, 6:26 a.m. No.1771767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4344


The Book of Enki (Sumerian texts)


Also of interst is research the Kogi people of South America. After listening or reading the Book of Enki, listen to the Kogi people speak. Same syntax.


Someone is burying the stuff I wrote….whatever you study look for where they get their information. NEVER follow anyone who claims their source is a channel…which is most of them. It's a bullshit.

Anonymous ID: 48ae0c June 20, 2018, 1:07 p.m. No.1833493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3831


>Hmm, I wonder why these allegedly powerless Jews are able to do this. And why they can blatantly attempt to breed out the nordics who you claim control everything since the beginning of time. Really makes (((you))) think


Exactly..OP trying to slide the "blame" onto the red headed people of ENKI off the fucking (((JEWS)))…then complaining when he's caught out.