Anonymous ID: 4c5ed6 June 15, 2018, 12:06 p.m. No.1760908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1057


>How did they turn the impetus of all creation into the perverted and evil system they practiced?


IF they are so scared of the natural divine "vacuum" of no-thing-ness or zero point (for lack of a better term) they seek to monopolize and control it by trying to BE it. That becomes a natural conundrum or inverse reflection because in doing that, in fear, they try and separate themselves FROM the Source.

one CAN seek to replicate the Source, but must recognize that this experience in a body/mind/spirit is only a vessel/a computer of perception,pattern recognition/ a fractal on many different levels (for lack of a better term)


to be and act with Divinity, God, the Creation, Source give thanks/recoginize/respect/reverence/faith to/for the Divine, God, the Creation, Source.


the inverse of that is the Fear, trying to control instead of letting go and letting God and believing that the no-thing-ness is Pure potential and not something to be feared.

Energy always is.

>How can these utterly evil people have figured out the very most basic laws of the universe?


It really is simple and hidden it in plain sight. They seek to play all the parlor tricks, put all that woowoo evil stuff around it to make it seem so mystical, like we cant know what it is eaither.


Im just musing.

Hope it helps!

keep seeking :)