Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 13, 2018, 6:20 a.m. No.1728149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8871 >>2437

I have always wondered why the cabal changed the name of Persia to Iran?


Maybe as revenge against Cyrus, the Perisan, who invaded Phoenicia and divided it into parts.


Persian King Cyrus the Great conquered Phoenicia in 539 BC. The Persians then divided Phoenicia into four vassal kingdoms: Sidon, Tyre, Arwad, and Byblos. They prospered, furnishing fleets for Persian kings. Phoenician influence declined after this. In 350 or 345 BC, a rebellion in Sidon led by Tennes was crushed by Artaxerxes III. Its destruction was described by Diodorus Siculus.

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 13, 2018, 6:26 a.m. No.1728193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8222

Phoenicians worshiped Baal and Moloch.

They practice child sacrifice en masse.

The elites commonly sacrificed their children too.


This all fits in so well.


The religious practices and beliefs of Phoenicia were cognate generally to their neighbours in Canaan, which in turn shared characteristics common throughout the ancient Semitic world.[76][77][78] "Canaanite religion was more of a public institution than of an individual experience." Its rites were primarily for city-state purposes; payment of taxes by citizens was considered in the category of religious sacrifices.[79] Unfortunately, much of the Phoenician sacred writings known to the ancients have been lost.[80][81]


Like their Hebrew cousins the Phoenicians were known for being very religious. While there remain favourable aspects regarding Canaanite religion,[82][83][84] several of its reported practices have been widely criticized, in particular, temple prostitution,[85] and child sacrifice.[86] "Tophets" built "to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire" are condemned by God in Jeremiah 7:30-32, and in 2nd Kings 23:10 (also 17:17). Notwithstanding these and other important differences, cultural religious similarities between the ancient Hebrews and the Phoenicians persisted


Religion in Carthage was based on inherited Phoenician ways of devotion. In fact, until its fall embassies from Carthage would regularly make the journey to Tyre to worship Melqart, bringing material offerings


Prayers of individual Carthaginians were often addressed to Baal Hammon. Offerings to Hammon also evidently included child sacrifice.[117][118][119] Diodorus (late 1st century BC) wrote that when Agathocles had attacked Carthage (in 310) several hundred children of leading families were sacrificed to regain the god's favour.[120] In modern times, the French novelist Gustave Flaubert's 1862 work Salammbô graphically featured this god as accepting such sacrifice


The religious practices and beliefs of Phoenicia were cognate generally to their neighbours in Canaan, which in turn shared characteristics common throughout the ancient Semitic world.[76][77][78] "Canaanite religion was more of a public institution than of an individual experience." Its rites were primarily for city-state purposes; payment of taxes by citizens was considered in the category of religious sacrifices.[79] Unfortunately, much of the Phoenician sacred writings known to the ancients have been lost.[80][81]


Like their Hebrew cousins the Phoenicians were known for being very religious. While there remain favourable aspects regarding Canaanite religion,[82][83][84] several of its reported practices have been widely criticized, in particular, temple prostitution,[85] and child sacrifice.[86] "Tophets" built "to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire" are condemned by God in Jeremiah 7:30-32, and in 2nd Kings 23:10 (also 17:17). Notwithstanding these and other important differences, cultural religious similarities between the ancient Hebrews and the Phoenicians persisted.[82][87]




Figure of Ba'al with raised arm, 14th–12th century BC, found at ancient Ugarit (Ras Shamra site), a city at the far north of the Phoenician coast.

Musée du Louvre

Canaanite religious mythology does not appear as elaborated compared with existent literature of their cousin Semites in Mesopotamia. In Canaan the supreme god was called El (𐤀𐤋, "god").[88][89] The son of El was Baal (𐤁𐤏𐤋, "master", "lord"), a powerful dying-and-rising storm god

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 13, 2018, 6:32 a.m. No.1728222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8390


On the other hand, the Phoenicians, notorious for being secretive in business, might use these non-descript words as cover for the secluded name of the god,[93] known only to a select few initiated into the inmost circle, or not even used by them, much as their neighbors and close relatives the ancient Israelites/Judeans sometimes used the honorific Adonai (Heb: "My Lord") in place of the tetragrammaton—a practice which became standard (if not mandatory) in the Second Temple period onward.[94]


A committee of ten elders selected by the civil authorities regulated worship and built the temples with public funds. Some priesthoods were hereditary to certain families. Punic inscriptions list a hierarchy of cohen (priest) and rab cohenim (lord priests).

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 13, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.1731914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1948

the Nordic theory goes back to Q and his posts about N in the New World Order.

N does not stand for New or Nazi, but a sub group


Q !UW.yye1fxo Sat 10 Mar 2018 17:57:14 4d8e72 No.617965

{Pic: Church/Nazi people}


Q !UW.yye1fxo Sat 10 Mar 2018 18:07:05 4d8e72 No.618129


The Nazi order.

NWO [N does not refer to “New”].

The Sum of All Fears.






Stage SET.




Q !UW.yye1fxo Sat 10 Mar 2018 18:19:23 fb1a66 No.618344


You cannot possibly imagine the size of this.

Trust the plan.

Trust there are more good than bad.

The WORLD is helping.

We are not alone.

We are all connected in this fight.


We are winning BIG.

Watch the speech.

God bless.


Q !UW.yye1fxo Sat 10 Mar 2018 18:37:22 fb1a66 No.618754

N does not refer to Nazi.

The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

Events will clarify.

Think subgroup.

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 13, 2018, 12:10 p.m. No.1731948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1992


>N does not refer to Nazi.

The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

Events will clarify.Think subgroup


The Nazi ideology was a 'supreme race" which was the Aryan/Nordic

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 13, 2018, 12:14 p.m. No.1732000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7626

Red was also a color resulting from their trademark purple dye.

Probably why their sails were red/white and they wear purple clothes today.





Tyrian Purple Shroud of Charlemagne (by Unknown Artist)


Tyrian purple (aka Royal purple or Imperial purple) is a dye extracted from the murex shellfish which was first produced by the Phoenician city of Tyre in the Bronze Age. Its difficulty of manufacture, striking purple to red colour range, and resistance to fading made clothing dyed using Tyrian purple highly desirable and expensive. The Phoenicians gained great fame as sellers of purple and exported its manufacture to its colonies, notably Carthage, from where it spread in popularity and was adopted by the Romans as a symbol of imperial authority and status.

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 13, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.1732059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2143 >>2157


I am just tying in with what Q said was a subgroup of Nazism.


Hitler's inner circle believed in the NOrdic theory.


The Nordic race was one of the racial subcategories into which white people were divided by anthropologists in the first half of the 20th century. The debates about this topic are nowadays mostly not considered scientific, but ideological.[1] Ideologies of racial supremacy that claim that the Nordic race, particularly the Germanic peoples, would constitute a master race because of an innate capacity for leadership[2] are referred to as Nordic theory, Nordicism[3] or Nordic thought. Those ideologies were prevalent mainly in the late-19th and early 20th centuries in Western Europe and North America. Nordic thought was a major influence on Nazism.[4]


Origins of Nordicism


During the Renaissance blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin were regularly portrayed in literature as signs of beauty, and were associated with noble moral qualities.[16] This imagery was largely aesthetic. It was not typically theorised in terms of racial difference, drawing instead on traditional symbolism of light as opposed to darkness.


From the 17th century onwards, as Northern European countries became more powerful, Northern peoples began to adapt such aesthetic traditions into arguments for their own superiority. Benjamin Franklin proposed a clear distinction between "white" Europeans and "swarthy" Europeans, stating that immigration to the newly-born United States should favour the "white" Saxons and Englishmen rather than the "swarthy" Germans (except for the German Saxons), Italians, French, Russians, Spaniards and Swedes.[17] Franklin believed the white Europeans to be more "lovely", at least to his taste.

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 13, 2018, 12:23 p.m. No.1732129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2222 >>2408

Q !ITPb.qbhqo Tue 05 Dec 2017 00:45:56 cc0116 No.35166

RED RED stringer 25th.

Hussein RED video 27th (response).

Hussein in Asia on 28th post stringer.



More than one meaning.

Hussein RED Indictments variables.

Think circle.

Expand your thinking.

Take multiple paths.

One connects to another.

Learn to read the map.

The map is the key.

Find the keystone.

What holds everything together?



I am thinking Q is saying that following the RED color (on the sails) will lead us.


This map may be the map of the world and the migration of peoples.

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 13, 2018, 12:49 p.m. No.1732618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2859 >>3184

Is the Phoenician alphabet the oldest known in the world?


It had a Y



The Phoenician alphabet, called by convention the Proto-Canaanite alphabet for inscriptions older than around 1050 BC, is the oldest verified alphabet. The Phoenician alphabet is an abjad[3] consisting of 22 letters, all consonants, with matres lectionis used for some vowels in certain late varieties. It was used for the writing of Phoenician, a Northern Semitic language, used by the civilization of Phoenicia.


The Phoenician alphabet is derived from Egyptian hieroglyphs.[4] It became one of the most widely used writing systems, spread by Phoenician merchants across the Mediterranean world, where it evolved and was assimilated by many other cultures. The Paleo-Hebrew alphabet is a local variant of the Phoenician alphabetical script.[5] Another derivative script is the Aramaic alphabet, which was the ancestor of the modern Arabic script. The Modern Hebrew script is a stylistic variant of the Aramaic script. The Greek alphabet (and by extension its descendants, such as Latin, Cyrillic, Runic, and Coptic) was also derived from Phoenician.

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 13, 2018, 1:11 p.m. No.1733061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3227


I think FIVE EYES is really only ONE EYE and that is the British crown.


One of the five is Britain and the rest are her colonies.

They just didn't expect Trump to win.

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 13, 2018, 1:15 p.m. No.1733125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3221


Trump has to destroy and/or get their wealth.


Is their wealth in gold, oil or land?


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:gO/UntOB Sat 11 Nov 2017 23:33:51 No.149063644

Wealth (over generations) buys power.

Power (over generations) buys more wealth/control.

More wealth/control buys countries and its people.

Families combined (TRI) = NWO.

Inner TRI families will collapse.

What is the keystone?

What Nation dominates all others?

What Nation has influence over most others?

What is the keystone?

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 13, 2018, 2:36 p.m. No.1734283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4316


Joseph of A was one of them until he buried Jesus in his tomb. Then they turned against Joseph and had him arrested too.

They were the ones who feared Jesus and wanted him killed.

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 15, 2018, 7:59 a.m. No.1758468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8481 >>8538

The ancient Egyptians (in Africa) and the ancient pre-Incas/Incas (in South America) evolved on opposite sides of the globe and were never in contact. Yet, both cultures mysteriously possessed the same strikingly identical body of ancient art, architecture, symbolism, mythology and religion.


The Victorian-era scholars, faced with this enigma, concluded that both cultures must have been children of the same Golden Age parent civilization, “Atlantis.” Today, Egyptian/Inca parallels are not only being ignored by American and Western scholars, they’re being suppressed.


Many baffling and unsolved similarities link the ancient Egyptians and the ancient pre-Incas/Incas ― even though both cultures evolved on opposite sides of the planet, separated by oceans.

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 15, 2018, 2:22 p.m. No.1762272   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Before gods, goddesses, demons and nocturnal monsters of the netherworld were depicted as humans, they were almost always shown in some type of animal form. This ancient network of immortal symbolism we can witness today with one of these secret deities that has been depicted throughout the course of human history as the bird of night, known as the owl.


The symbology of the owl has almost always represented evil omens, demons, illness, disease and death to many interrelated ancient cultures such as the Hittites, Sumerians, Egyptians, Ethiopians, Africans, Phoenicians (Hebrews), Greeks, Romans, Europeans, Arabs, Hindus, Indians and Latinos. A nocturnal bird of prey that to them was not a symbol of wisdom, but the creature who disturbs their sleep and is the “angel of death.”


The Egyptian name for the owl is Mulak or Moloch represented by the letter symbolism of M (m) because its name began with M, and the eyes or horns of this secret deity looks just like the letter m.


the inside.




The ancient Phoenician Hebrews who were the descendants of the Hittites and Egyptian Israelites were the race who gave us the Old Testament. They were called the Phoenicians by the Greeks, but they referred to themselves as the Sidonians from Sidon of Crete (Cretans). Their chief deity was Ashtart who the Israelitish prophets called “the abomination of the Sidonians.” Sidon on Crete was at one time the main headquarters of the Phoenician maritime trade and commerce. The goddess Ashtart became the patroness of the Sidonian mariners, who according to Lucian was also identified with the moon.


The Phoenicians/Sidonians Hebrews sometimes sacrificed owls to be included in their burials back to the 7th century BC. In biblical law, owls are included in the list of birds that were forbidden to be eaten. An oracle concerning Edom, Isa 34:11, declares that the eagle owl will inherit the devastated land, and another possible variety of owl will also dwell in it. The eagle owl roosts on the capitals of a desolated Nineveh in the prophetic vision of Zeph 2:14. Later the owl deity known as Ashtart becomes the demon goddess that is known as Lilith, who was created in the first Genesis account.

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 18, 2018, 4:39 p.m. No.1804410   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I remember reading about one of Mark TAylor's prophecy about a huge discovery in Mideast being found when land is excavated for new construction. Don't remember exactly, but that it would be a huge revelation.

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 18, 2018, 4:49 p.m. No.1804581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4597 >>1758 >>2212


Nebuchadnezzar II's Babylon


Through military conquests, Nebuchadnezzar II would come to rule an empire that stretched from the Persian Gulf to the borders of Egypt. He captured Jerusalem twice, in 597 B.C. and 587 B.C., events that led to the destruction of the first temple, the deportation of many Jewish inhabitants to Babylonia and the capture of the Ark of the Covenant.


At Babylon itself, he began a major building and reconstruction program, the city having an inner and outer wall. "Babylon reached its greatest glory as a city during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II," writes University of London professor Andrew George in a chapter of the book "Babylon." Religion played a key role. "At its heart were fourteen different sanctuaries, and another twenty-nine were distributed throughout the rest of the city. That was quite apart from the hundreds of street site chapels and shrines."


One of the biggest shrines was named Esagil, dedicated to Marduk. Located south of a great ziggurat, George says it 280 feet (86 meters) by 260 feet (79 m) in size with gateways 30 feet (9 m) high. "Nebuchadnezzar lavished attention on the cult-rooms: there were gold, silver and gemstones everywhere…"


The name Marduk was probably pronounced Marutuk.[4] The etymology of the name Marduk is conjectured as derived from amar-Utu ("bull calf of the sun god Utu").[3] The origin of Marduk's name may reflect an earlier genealogy, or have had cultural ties to the ancient city of Sippar (whose god was Utu, the sun god), dating back to the third millennium BC.[5]


By the Hammurabi period, Marduk had become astrologically associated with the planet Jupiter.[6]

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 18, 2018, 4:52 p.m. No.1804635   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Marduk Prophecy[edit]


The Marduk Prophecy is a vaticinium ex eventu text[a] describing the travels of the Marduk cult statue[b] from Babylon. It relates his visit to the land of Ḫatti, corresponding to the statue's seizure during the sack of the city by Mursilis I in 1531 BC, Assyria, and when Tukulti-Ninurta I overthrew Kashtiliash IV, taking the image to Assur and Elam in 1225 BC. Kudur-nahhunte then ransacked the city and pilfered the statue around 1160 BC. He[who?] addresses an assembly of the gods.


The first two sojourns are described in glowing terms as good for both Babylon and the other places Marduk has graciously agreed to visit. The episode in Elam, however, is a disaster, where the gods have followed Marduk and abandoned Babylon to famine and pestilence. Marduk prophesies that he will return once more to Babylon to a messianic new king, who will bring salvation to the city and who will wreak a terrible revenge on the Elamites. This king is understood to be Nabu-kudurri-uṣur I, 1125-1103 BC.[13] Thereafter the text lists various sacrifices.


A copy[14] was found in the House of the Exorcist at Assur, whose contents date from 713-612 BC and is closely related thematically to another vaticinium ex eventu text called the Shulgi prophecy, which probably followed it in a sequence of tablets. Both compositions present a favorable view of Assyria.

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 18, 2018, 4:59 p.m. No.1804712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2020


The Burney Relief (also known as the Queen of the Night relief) is a Mesopotamian terracotta plaque in high relief of the Isin-Larsa or Old-Babylonian period, depicting a winged, nude, goddess-like figure with bird's talons, flanked by owls, and perched upon two lions.


The relief is displayed in the British Museum in London, which has dated it between 1800 and 1750 BCE. It originates from southern Mesopotamia, but the exact find-site is unknown. Apart from its distinctive iconography, the piece is noted for its high relief and relatively large size, which suggest that it was used as a cult relief, making it a very rare survival from the period. However, whether it represents Lilitu, Inanna/Ishtar, or Ereshkigal is under debate. The authenticity of the object has been questioned from its first appearance in the 1930s, but opinion has generally moved in its favour over the subsequent decades.


Date and place of origin[edit]


Stylistic comparisons place the relief at the earliest into the Isin–Larsa period,[12] or slightly later, to the beginning of the Old Babylonian period.[nb 11] Frankfort especially notes the stylistic similarity with the sculpted head of a male deity found at Ur,[1][nb 3] which Collon finds to be "so close to the Queen of the Night in quality, workmanship and iconographical details, that it could well have come from the same workshop."[13] Therefore, Ur is one possible city of origin for the relief, but not the only one: Edith Porada points out the virtual identity in style that the lion's tufts of hair have with the same detail seen on two fragments of clay plaques excavated at Nippur.[14][nb 12] And Agnès Spycket reported on a similar necklace on a fragment found in Isin.[15]


Geopolitical context[edit]


A creation date at the beginning of the second millennium BCE places the relief into a region and time in which the political situation was unsteady, marked by the waxing and waning influence of the city states of Isin and Larsa, an invasion by the Elamites, and finally the conquest by Hammurabi in the unification in the Babylonian empire in 1762 BCE.


300 to 500 years earlier, the population for the whole of Mesopotamia was at its all-time high of about 300,000. Elamite invaders then toppled the third Dynasty of Ur and the population declined to about 200,000; it had stabilized at that number at the time the relief was made.[16] Cities like Nippur and Isin would have had on the order of 20,000 inhabitants and Larsa maybe 40,000; Hammurabi's Babylon grew to 60,000 by 1700 BCE.[17] A well-developed infrastructure and complex division of labour is required to sustain cities of that size. The fabrication of religious imagery might have been done by specialized artisans: large numbers of smaller, devotional plaques have been excavated that were fabricated in molds.


Even though the fertile crescent civilizations are considered the oldest in history, at the time the Burney Relief was made other late bronze age civilizations were equally in full bloom. Travel and cultural exchange were not commonplace, but nevertheless possible.[nb 13] To the east, Elam with its capital Susa was in frequent military conflict with Isin, Larsa and later Babylon. Even further, the Indus Valley Civilization was already past its peak, and in China, the Erlitou culture blossomed. To the southwest, Egypt was ruled by the 12th dynasty, further to the west the Minoan civilization, centred on Crete with the Old Palace in Knossos, dominated the Mediterranean. To the north of Mesopotamia, the Anatolian Hittites were establishing their Old Kingdom over the Hattians; they brought an end to Babylon's empire with the sack of the city in 1531 BCE. Indeed, Collon mentions this raid as possibly being the reason for the damage to the right-hand side of the relief.[

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 21, 2018, 5:44 p.m. No.1854240   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Because of the power of Shem, the priests from that time on conducted their forbidden orgies out of the light of day, in their secret hiding places


from dark into light.


This will be exposed.

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 26, 2018, 3:15 p.m. No.1913998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4077 >>4403


N does not stand for New or Nazi


The New Order (German: Neuordnung), or the New Order of Europe (German: Neuordnung Europas), was the political order which Nazi Germany wanted to impose on the conquered areas under its dominion. The establishment of the New Order had already begun long before the start of World War II, but was publicly proclaimed by Adolf Hitler in 1941:


The year 1941 will be, I am convinced, the historical year of a great European New Order.[1]


Among other things, it entailed the creation of a pan-German racial state structured according to Nazi ideology to ensure the supremacy of an Aryan-Nordic master race, massive territorial expansion into Central and Eastern Europe through its colonization with German settlers, the physical annihilation of the Jews, the Slavs (especially Poles and Serbs), Roma ("gypsies") and others considered to be "unworthy of life" and the extermination, expulsion or enslavement of most of the Slavic peoples and others regarded as "racially inferior".[2] Nazi Germany's desire for aggressive territorial expansionism was one of the most important causes of World War II.


Historians are still divided as to its ultimate goals, some believing that it was to be limited to Nazi German domination of Europe, while others maintain that it was a springboard for eventual world conquest and the establishment of a world government under German control.[3]


The Führer gave expression to his unshakable conviction that the Reich will be the master of all Europe. We shall yet have to engage in many fights, but these will undoubtedly lead to most wonderful victories. From there on the way to world domination is practically certain. Whoever dominates Europe will thereby assume the leadership of the world.


— Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda and close associate of Hitler, 8 May 1943[4]

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 26, 2018, 3:23 p.m. No.1914077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4116 >>4403


The term Neuordnung originally had a different and more limited meaning than in its present usage. It is typically translated as New Order, but a more correct translation would actually be more akin to reorganization


Before completing the expected German conquest of Europe, the Nazi leadership hoped to keep the United States out of the war.[85] In an interview with Life in the spring of 1941, Hitler stated that a German invasion of the Western Hemisphere was as fantastic as an invasion of the moon, and was a lie promoted by American big business hoping to gain from war profiteering.[86]


American pro-Nazi movements such as the Friends of the New Germany and the German-American Bund played no role in Hitler's plans for the country, and received no financial or verbal support from Germany after 1935.[87] However, certain Native American advocate groups, such as the fascist-leaning American Indian Federation, were to be used to undermine the Roosevelt administration from within by means of propaganda.[88][89] In addition, in an effort to gain Native American support, the Nazis classified the Sioux, and by extension all Native Americans, to be Aryans,[88] a theory echoed in the sympathetic portrayal of the Natives in German westerns of the 1930s such as Der Kaiser von Kalifornien. Nazi propagandists went as far as declaring that Germany would return expropriated land to the Indians, while Goebbels predicted they possessed little loyalty to America and would rather rebel than fight against Germany.[88] As a boy, Hitler had been an enthusiastic reader of Karl May westerns[9] and he told Albert Speer that he still turned to them for inspiration as an adult when he was in a tight spot;[90] the Karl May westerns contained highly sympathetic portrayals of American Indians.


Approximately nine months before the United States joined the Allies, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt made a reference to the New Order in a speech he gave on March 15, 1941, recognizing Hitler's hostility towards the United States and the destructive potential it represented, about which Roosevelt was quite acutely aware:


…Nazi forces are not seeking mere modifications in colonial maps or in minor European boundaries. They openly seek the destruction of all elective systems of government on every continent, including our own. They seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual rulers who seize power by force.


Yes, these men and their hypnotized followers call this a "New Order." It is not new, and it is not order. For order among nations presupposes something enduring, some system of justice under which individuals over a long period of time are willing to live. Humanity will never permanently accept a system imposed by conquest, and based on slavery. These modern tyrants find it necessary to their plans to eliminate all democracies — eliminate them one by one. The nations of Europe, and indeed we, ourselves, did not appreciate that purpose. We do now

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 26, 2018, 3:27 p.m. No.1914116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4187


>the Nazis classified the Sioux, and by extension all Native Americans, to be Aryans,[88] a theory echoed in the sympathetic portrayal of the Natives in German westerns of the 1930s such as Der Kaiser von Kalifornien. Nazi propagandists went as far as declaring that Germany would return expropriated land to the Indians


History holds many oddities that we may never fully understand, either through incomplete documentation, disinterest at the time, or simply a big question mark that hangs over all. Among these are mysterious tribes of people that have been encountered and confronted in all corners of the globe, often vanishing before we really understand them and leaving us perplexed at just who they were or where their origins lie. One such tribe was a mysterious group of Native Americans who appeared to explorers as something quite European in nature, although their ways and beginnings have always been cloaked in shadows. Known mostly from historical accounts, their origins remain murky, their lineage uncertain, and they are a historical curiosity we may never fully understand.



During the era of early European contact, the native peoples of North America held many curiosities for explorers and settlers coming to this new, wild land. These tribes were numerous, and displayed rich variety between different cultures, as well as myriad languages, customs, and traditions that inspired awe, wonder, curiosity, bafflement, and even fear in the European adventurers who bravely delved into this uncharted new world and tried to tame it. Yet as fascinating as these new peoples were, perhaps the most interesting was an alleged tribe of natives who were said to look decidedly Caucasian in nature.


The first reports of what would come to be known as the Mandan tribe began to trickle out from French explorers in the region of the Missouri River in present-day North and South Dakota in the early 1700s. These natives were said to have rather fair skin and to have red or blonde hair and blue or grey eyes, and indeed especially the women were purportedly so Nordic in appearance that if it were not for their clothing they were said to be nearly indistinguishable from whites. In 1738, the French Canadian trader Sieur de la Verendrye made the first official outside contact with the Mandan and described them as living in 9 villages at a tributary of the Missouri river called the Heart River, and noted that they also exhibited customs that were decidedly more European than the neighboring tribes.

Anonymous ID: 6589e8 June 26, 2018, 3:34 p.m. No.1914187   🗄️.is 🔗kun


By 1784 the word had gotten out on this mysterious tribe of blue-eyed Indians, and they were featured in the media, with the August 24, 1784 edition of the Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser proclaiming that a new tribe of white people had been discovered and that they were “acquainted with the principles of the Christian religion” and “extremely courteous and civilized.” Perhaps one of the more famous of the explorers to come across the Mandan was none other than Lewis and Clark, who visited the tribe in 1804 and described them as “half-white,” as well as peaceful, civilized, courteous, and polite. They also noted that the tribe’s numbers had dwindled significantly due to the frequent small pox epidemics that terrorized them, as well as attacks against them by neighboring tribes, namely the Assiniboine, Lakota, Arikara and the Sioux.


Another idea on the Mandan origins is that they came from pre-Columbian visitations by Viking explorers. The first official European to ever officially make contact with the Mandan tribe, Sieur de la Verendrye, claimed that at the time he had found a strange runestone with Nordic inscriptions on a riverside near the village. The stone was allegedly sent to France to be studied but it is unclear what happened to the “Verendrye Runestone” after that, and indeed it is uncertain if it ever really existed at all. Unless the stone ever turns up again it remains just as mysterious as the Mandan.


The idea of Vikings in the New World before the days of Columbus has been talked about for some time, with one prevalent and somewhat controversial theory having to do with Eric Thorwaldsson, also more famously known as “The Red,” who established two colonies on the coast of Greenland in 986. The story goes that Eric The Red then abandoned these outposts when the wild, rugged land proved to be too cold and forbidding, and made his way to North America along with the colonists. The theory then claims that the King of Norway is then said to have sent an expedition to the New World to find out what had happened to them, and that this expedition made their way up the rivers to end up in the Dakotas and other areas, after which they became stranded and then assimilated into the native tribes, giving them their Nordic genes.